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Fight and Agreement in Politics

Book Name;
The Political Economy of Conflict in South Asia.
Mathew Webb, Albert Wijeweera
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Political Economy, the collective study and application of politics and economy, is a multidisciplinary field of study economics and political structure of a country.
How the two support and cress cross each other? How and why in case of any positive or negative impact on one side effect the other badly?
The political economy of South Asia in Conflict is a series of Palgrave Macmillan on the conflicted political economy of the South Asian countries.
A region nearly of two billion people, one fourth of World population residing in these seven states, clad in arms they have so many military and political rues with one another that even a minor conflict between any of two may have a catastrophic impact on the whole region and the world as well.
The book is a collection of expert essays on the conflicted and the political state relation of these countries.
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The 13 chapters of this book covers talk-talk and fight-fight relations between and of course among them.
The Chittagong Hill Tracts conflict (1977-1997) and the Peace Agreement between PCJSS and Bangladeshi government have many ups and downs but it is respite from the two decade of clashes.
The Sikh separatism, insurgency and ethnic based politics, the Indian Green Revolution and its impact on Punjab people. How wars with Pakistan (1948, 1965, 1971) affected its people and agriculture and economic progress.
Nepal political and economic restructurings, the glaciers and natural resources of South Asia and their importance both economically and militarily with so many informative essays is a real read for anyone to have deeper understanding of South Asian conflicts and political economy at a larger scale.
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