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Mutual mistrust on sure doomsday

Book Name;
South Asia’s Nuclear Security Dilemma; India, Pakistan and China.
Lowell Dittmer
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The book cover with an image of computer lab in light darkness very precisely depicts the nature of south Asian politics and security. Any slight mistake or clicking the wrong key on the computer keyboard may wrought destruction up on them!!
The two South Asian countries, India and Pakistan, after their independence from the British Empire in August 1947 has always been at dagger drawn. Involved in proxies either covert or overt for undermining each other.
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Fought three full scale wars over Kashmir dispute in 1965, 1948 and 1971 that resulted in breaking and secession of East Pakistan from West Pakistan and becoming Bangladesh. Their nuclear tests in May 1998 brought these two neighbouring countries on a nuclear fallout.
Kargil hostilities (1999) and Kashmiri separatists attack on the Indian parliament were the ticking moments that at any time the two sides may annihilate each other.
9/11 and US attack on Afghanistan relegated this nuclear flash point for some time but it is still persist there. The book under discussion gives an analytical view of the strategic structure of their rivalry and its dynamics.
Being in the neighborhood of these two countries, China have a deep impact on the whole scenario. Any up and down in the region and its security may not only affect India and Pakistan but China would likely not be able to evade from the fallouts.
The thematic part of the book is the political strategic approach and how it affects the three neighbouring countries individually and the region as whole.
The book is divided into two sections with ten chapters in total by the contributing experts of the field analyzing different aspects of this dilemmatic region and its security.
Anyone interested in the south Asian politics, conflict studies and regional dynamics and security must have a go through it…
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